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‘Tis the Season…To Treat Yourself!

‘Tis the Season…To Treat Yourself!

We’re all familiar with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and the stress of getting the perfect gift for your loved ones. But what about something nice for yourself? Although our treatments are currently not covered under insurances, they are an investment in your health.

Regenexx/StemCell ARTS Difference

Weeks of recovery and months of rehab are associated with total or even partial joint replacements. While some patients might find that reasonable, there are those such as weekend warriors or athletes that are eager to get back to their desired activity. Our stem cell and platelet treatments afford patients with little to no downtime after their injections. Patients can have peace of mind knowing that there is not a foreign metal object in their body, which is a main (and valid) concern of most of our patients. Our treatments are minimally-invasive with little downtime to help you be the best version of yourself in 2018.

Contact one of our offices to see if we can help you find the perfect stem cell or platelet gift!

Tysons Corner, Virginia: (703)738-4381
Chevy Chase, Maryland: (301)215-4154



Our StemCell ARTS team recently received amazing recognition from Judy, a patient under the care of Dr. Benjamin Newton in the Chevy Chase, MD office. Judy provides her experience after undergoing Platelet Rich Plasma and Platelet Lysate injections to treat her cervical spine.

I was seen in August for my 2nd PRP treatment. I am thrilled to say that I can really see and feel the difference since my last treatment.  Initially it was crazy sore and quite miserable but after about 6 weeks I started to really improve.  I was able to travel lugging my own suitcase and back pack throughout London, Paris and Scotland on /off trains /metros / etc.  I was so surprised at how well my neck and back did throughout the whole time. 

No muscle relaxers or Advil needed the entire trip .  I wanted to send a big thank you to Dr. Newton as I have been struggling with pain for over 11 years since my accident.

Click here to see a platelet procedure being performed to treat the cervical spine.

Alternatives to Spinal Stenosis Surgery

Alternatives to Spinal Stenosis Surgery

Often, when patients are diagnosed with spinal stenosis, the only solution most physicians and surgeons give them is surgery. Stenosis occurs when there is a narrowing in the spinal canal; this narrowing causes trapped nerves which can produce symptoms of sciatica. Weakness, numbness, and tingling (down legs and buttocks) can be a result of these trapped nerves. The most common surgery for spinal stenosis is ‘decompressive laminectomy’. This surgery involves removing a portion of the bone or thickened tissue that is compressing the nerves. Laminectomies are often coupled with spinal fusions in order to provide the back with more support. For those who wish to avoid such an invasive procedure, StemCell ARTS with Regenexx has a solution for you!

Regenerative Options

Our physicians are able to provide customized treatment plans for patients suffering from pain due to spinal stenosis. Platelet Lysate is a treatment we utilize for trapped nerves. The process starts with a venous blood draw. After that, we hand process your sample in our state-of-the-art lab, and separate the platelet from red blood cells. We then freeze the platelets and break them open to extract the growth serum inside. These growth factors are then injected by the doctor around the nerves to calm the inflammation.

See how Dr. Centeno helped Kathie overcome the pain from her spinal stenosis in order to help her continue her coral restoration work!

Avoiding Harmful Epidural Steroid Back Injections

Avoiding Harmful Epidural Steroid Back Injections

Pinched nerves and herniated discs can cause structural problems in your back, in addition to pain and discomfort. They can also cause weakened core stability in the lumbar spine; pinched nerves can also cause lead to deferred pain your hip and knees! Traditional surgical interventions work by cutting out the herniated portion of the disc. Although it may help relieve pain temporarily, this could lead to further issues as they are removing a necessary portion of the disc. While steroid injections are appropriate treatments for acute and sudden back pain, excessive use of steroids have been shown to cause weakening of the bones. This can eventually lead to fractures, especially in older women.

Epidural Steroid Alternatives

At StemCell ARTS, we are able to provide alternatives to high doses of steroid injections. Platelet Lysate, Prolotherapy, and Platelet Rich Plasma are treatments available here to help reduce inflammation, heal injuries and tighten ligaments.

Watch this video from Regenexx to see how our Platelet Lysate treatment stacks up against the standard epidural!

Outcome Data for Platelet Lysate Procedures

Outcome Data for Platelet Lysate Procedures

Conventional Steroid Injections

Low back pain is one of the most common problems and injuries in the United States. For those who suffer from it, most people are provided relief with a series of standard steroid epidural injections. But what about those who are not candidates for steroids, such as patients with Lyme Disease, Osteoporosis, or even just those who have exhausted interventional injections? At StemCell ARTS, we are able to provide a minimally invasive, platelet therapy to help combat low back pain!

The Science Behind Platelet Lysate (PL)

Platelet Lysate is one of the treatments available to patients at StemCell ARTS for those who suffer from chronic low back pain. This treatment is specialized for those with disc pain (such as herniated discs) and pinched nerves in the spine. It involves a blood draw from your arm and afterwards, we hand-process the sample in our state-of-the-art laboratory. Platelets which contain growth factors are isolated and frozen; we then take these platelets and break them open to extract the growth serum within these cells. These growth factors are injected into the spine, and around discs similar to that of a standard epidural, but with your own super concentrated platelets! The platelets are immediate release (similar to steroid injections), but in most patients, they are provided with longer relief.

See how Dr. Friedlis explains our procedures and the clinical indications for them here

Click on some of our links below to see the outcomes for our Platelet Lysate procedures:

Low Back Pain and Sciatica Results

Can Regenexx PL Injections Replace Steroid Epidurals?


StemCell ARTS Tackles Scoliosis!

StemCell ARTS Tackles Scoliosis!

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month!

We can all agree that our spine is essential since it protects our spinal cord and also allows us to bend and move. However, for those with scoliosis, every day movements can become painful and debilitating. Scoliosis is a disease that affects about 2-3% of the population in the United States, roughly 6 to 9 million people. It usually has an early onset in children around 10-15 years old. The spine has a natural ‘S’ curve when examined from a side view. It is when the ‘S’ shape forms from side-to-side that problems can occur. This can be caused by factors such as: genetics, growth spurts in children, or bone degeneration. Symptoms vary by severity of the condition. For those with mild scoliosis (measured as less than 40 degrees), they might experience deformities such as having one shoulder higher than the other, or a slight hunchback form. People with curvatures greater than 40 degrees can experience more severe symptoms such as weakness, pain, and even heart and breathing issues.

Interventional Treatments for Scoliosis

Most often, when diagnosed and treated early, scoliosis can be reversed. For those who continue to have ongoing symptoms, there are several non-surgical treatment options. Bracing is the most common treatment to stabilize and straighten the spine. Exercises such as guided yoga or those prescribed during physical therapy have proven to be effective as well. Surgical intervention is the last resort because of the risks and complications that could follow such as reaction to metal rods, or paralysis.

Regenerative Options

Here at StemCell ARTS, while we are unable to reverse the curvature of the spine with our treatments, we are able to help stabilize and strengthen it. Using Prolotherapy and Platelet Rich Plasma, we inject the surrounding ligaments to cause inflammation and tell your body’s repair cells to focus on those areas. If patients are experiencing nerve pain associated with pinched nerves before or after surgery, we can utilize our Platelet Lysate treatment. Platelet Lysate (PLM) is often used during a hydrodissection technique which helps separate entrapped nerves from surrounding tissue and in turn, helps ‘calm’ the nerve down.

Watch Dr. Dade explain the benefits of having regenerative procedures here at StemCell ARTS!