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Exposing the Truth about Bogus Stem Cell Clinics

Exposing the Truth about Bogus Stem Cell Clinics

In case you missed it, The New Yorker and ProPublica recently published an extensive exposé on the dangerous umbilical cord and amniotic blood products being marketed by “clinics” around the country. According to the article, “Unscientific methods, deceptive marketing, price gouging, and disregard for patients’ well-being were rampant across the amniotic-stem-cell-therapy industry.”

As you know, we’ve written about this before. But given the proliferation of these bogus clinics and their and ineffective—and in some cases, life-threatening products—we will continue to drive home this critical reminder: Stem Cell Arts only uses the patient’s own stem cell products. Period. Full stop.

In doing so, we ensure that our patients do not risk dangerous infections from outside blood products. Stem Cell Arts physicians are trained and licensed to perform Regenexx® Stem Cell therapy, which is the world’s most advanced and uses adult stem cells from your own body—not amniotic or cord tissue cells. These cells can come from the body’s bone marrow as well as from body fat that contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that have high levels of restorative properties to help heal damaged tissues, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, spinal disc or bone.

The New Yorker/ProPublica article noted that testing of the blood products from one stem cell supplier revealed that less than half of the cells were alive—and they may not have even been stem cells as marketed or contain any significant amount of restorative properties.

At Stem Cell Arts, we understand that chronic or acute pain can lead to desperate searches for a solution. But we encourage you to take the time to truly understand what stem cell and platelet rich plasma therapy entails. Realize the distinction between the healing qualities of your own stem cells and products supplied by outside clinics. And most importantly, research the credentials and history of those who purport to be “medical experts.”

Our Stem Cell Arts physicians are board-certified in specialties including Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation as well as Sports Medicine. They are recognized within the field of regenerative medicine for their expertise and on-going research, publications and academic achievements.

If you or someone you know is considering non-surgical adult stem cell and blood platelet treatments for injuries and degenerative joint conditions such as osteoarthritis and spinal disc disease, please contact us. As the first stem cell-based musculoskeletal practice in the U.S., our experience and reputation speak for themselves.

Mom Was Right: Do Your Homework

Mom Was Right: Do Your Homework

You may have seen some headlines last month about several people who acquired infections that required hospitalization, infections that were believed to come from stem cell injections they received from umbilical cord blood.

This is not the first time that stem cell products from rogue clinics have been in the news. In May 2018, federal officials closed clinics in California and Florida that were offering unproven stem cell therapies that had not undergone standard, regulated clinical trials.

As is often the case, the bad guys grab the headlines while the experienced physicians of Stem Cell Arts continue to lead the field by authoring research presentations, publications and other academic work designed to promote greater understanding and advancements in this highly specialized area of orthopedic medicine.

Stem Cell Arts physicians are trained and licensed to perform the Regenexx® family of stem cell and platelet rich plasma procedures. Regenexx® Stem Cell therapy is the world’s most advanced and uses the highest concentration of healing adult stem cells from your own body to address the chronic pain and inflammation from conditions such as arthritis, herniated back discs, tendon tears or joint injuries.

Many people are unaware that adult stem cells can be harvested and do not raise ethical or moral concerns. These cells can come from the body’s bone marrow as well as from body fat that contains mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that contain high levels of restorative properties. The Regenexx® Stem Cell procedure extracts your own stem cells, concentrates these cells at the highest level possible and reinjects them into the injured area to boost your body’s ability to heal naturally.

The entire treatment is conducted in our sterile, state-of-the-art office procedure suites and takes only a few hours. A few days after the initial injection, you will return for a follow-up injection of platelets from your own body that will stimulate the stem cell repair process. Unlike invasive forms of surgery, Renenexx® Stem Cell and Platelet Rich Plasma procedures do not require a lengthy recovery time or the need for intensive rehab.

If you are considering stem cell therapy, don’t let the headlines scare you. Do, however, make sure you carefully investigate the clinics offering the treatment. We are confident that if you do that, you’ll discover that Stem Cell Arts offers the expertise, quality control and outcomes that make us a national leader in this non-surgical option for orthopedic conditions. Contact us today.

The Current State of Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy

The Current State of Embryonic Stem Cell Therapy

When Regenexx first started using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) to treat orthopedic problems in 2005, embryonic stem cells (ESCs) were king. However, a funny thing happened in 2010, when the number of research papers published on MSCs equaled the number published on ESCs. Since then, things have gotten much worse for embryonic stem cell research, and mesenchymal stem cell research is now clearly dominating the mesenchymal stem cell vs embryonic stem cell battle.

What Is an Embryonic Stem Cell?

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are the cells that make a baby. They’re pluripotent, meaning that they have the ability to turn into all three cell types, which are ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Basically, they are stem cells that can turn into most cells of the human body.

What Is a Mesenchymal Stem Cell?

A mesenchymal stem cell is different. It’s a stem cell that’s found in adults (or really any individual past the age of embryo). It’s multipotent and can differentiate into a number of cell types that are of the mesodermal lineage. These include osteoblasts (bone cells), chondrocytes (cartilage cells), myocytes (muscle cells), and adipocytes (fat cells). At StemCell ARTS we strictly only use the osteoblast which we obtain in the back pelvic area.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell vs Embryonic Stem Cell: Why MSC Research Surpassing ESC Research Is a Big Deal

The public was introduced to the concept of stem cells following a ban on embryonic stem cell research. This forced ESC researchers to take their case to the public. Scientists told the public that stem cells could be a possible cure for many incurable ailments. Unfortunately, along with the ethical problems associated with embryonic stem cells, it turned out that they also have a nasty little issue of causing teratomas (weird tumors). At the same time, many scientists began to recognize that stem cells could be found right in our own bodies in the form of mesenchymal stem cells. Hence, the race was on to see which stem cell type would become dominant. Mesenchymal stem cells are just more useful. They can be obtained from the patient without any ethical concerns and generally can do most of what ESCs can accomplish.

The upshot? Embryonic stem cell research is slowly dying off and being replaced by mesenchymal stem cell research. While this mesenchymal stem cell vs embryonic stem cell research reversal may have started because of the Bush administration ban, it’s accelerated since then because mesenchymal stem cells are just more practical as a therapy.

‘Tis the Season…To Treat Yourself!

‘Tis the Season…To Treat Yourself!

We’re all familiar with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and the stress of getting the perfect gift for your loved ones. But what about something nice for yourself? Although our treatments are currently not covered under insurances, they are an investment in your health.

Regenexx/StemCell ARTS Difference

Weeks of recovery and months of rehab are associated with total or even partial joint replacements. While some patients might find that reasonable, there are those such as weekend warriors or athletes that are eager to get back to their desired activity. Our stem cell and platelet treatments afford patients with little to no downtime after their injections. Patients can have peace of mind knowing that there is not a foreign metal object in their body, which is a main (and valid) concern of most of our patients. Our treatments are minimally-invasive with little downtime to help you be the best version of yourself in 2018.

Contact one of our offices to see if we can help you find the perfect stem cell or platelet gift!

Tysons Corner, Virginia: (703)738-4381
Chevy Chase, Maryland: (301)215-4154

Testimonial Tuesday!!

Testimonial Tuesday!!

At StemCell ARTS, we love to hear patients provide their experience following regenerative procedures with our practice. It is extremely rewarding to hear tales of patients returning to the activities they love. Mark, a patient under the care of Dr. Rodney Dade in the Tysons Corner, VA office, was an avid runner who had been sidelined with knee pain. Mark provides his experience after undergoing the stem cell  series of injections to treat his knee condition, bilaterally.

“This has given me a second chance that I didn’t think I’d ever have. I believe I’ve found the ‘Fountain of Youth.’ I’m extremely glad I decided to do it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. There are other options besides surgery.”

To read Mark’s entire story, click here. 

Regenokine vs. Platelet Rich Plasma

Regenokine vs. Platelet Rich Plasma

Regenokine has been the latest craze, especially in the NFL industry. These players require treatments that allow them to get back in the game without any restrictions. But is Regenokine actually more effective than our Platelet Rich Plasma?

What is Regenokine?

Regenokine is an updated form of Orthokine, which is basically a natural anti-inflammatory. While it still requires a blood draw like with our PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), it includes heating the cells and culturing them with glass beads. Per FDA regulations, this manipulates the blood sample too much, and would now be considered a drug. Therefore, this procedure is not allowed in the United States. Patients who want to have these procedures done must travel to the European countries. While there are more than 10,000 peer-reviewed articles on Platelet Rich Plasma and Stem Cell therapies, there are 8 on Regenokine. Which typically means that the effects of this procedure are unknown or do not produce satisfactory results, even though it has been around for the same amount of time as PRP and stem cells.

While Regenokine may help some patients with inflamed knee joints (much like a glorified, and very expensive cortisone injection) it does not help regenerate or slow down the progression of arthritis like PRP or stem cells do. The only redeeming quality is its anti-inflammatory properties, which can sometimes take weeks to kick in. Without the healing components of PRP or stem cells, patients must return often for treatments, which on average cost around $10,000. Taking all these factors into account, more providers have gravitated towards Platelet Rich Plasma treatments as it offers actual healing and little downtime as well.

See some data on Platelet Rich Plasma vs. Regenokine on our Regenexx website!