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Perhaps you missed it, but Google recently announced that it is no longer accepting ads for “unproven or experimental medical techniques.” This includes ads for stem cell therapies that have “no established biomedical or scientific basis” and/or insufficient formal clinical testing to justify widespread clinical use.

As the original stem cell-based musculoskeletal practice in the country, Stem Cell Arts is not affected by this prohibition. Our physicians are certified and licensed to perform Regenexx® advanced stem cell therapy. Regenexx® has published more peer-reviewed studies than any other orthopedic stem cell provider, accounting for approximately 44 percent of the world’s orthopedic stem cell literature (based on the cumulative number of patients treated with bone marrow stem cells as of 1/1/2019).

Since 2005, more than 98,350 Regenexx® orthopedic stem cell treatments have been performed. These breakthrough stem cell and blood platelet procedures have offered viable candidates an alternative to invasive surgeries to help heal chronic pain caused from joint and bone injuries or torn tendons and ligaments.

Deepak Srivastava, president of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, believes Google’s new policy will ultimately benefit this emerging field of biomedical science. “While stem cells have great potential to help us understand and treat a wide range of diseases, most stem cell interventions remain experimental and should only be offered to patients through well-regulated clinical trials,” he said. “The premature marketing and commercialization of unproven stem cell products threatens public health, their confidence in biomedical research, and undermines the development of legitimate new therapies.”

We couldn’t agree more. That is why we always urge patients to do their homework. Regenexx® stem cell therapy extracts healthy, living adult stem cells from the patient’s own body, concentrates those cells at the highest level possible and reinjects them into the injured area to boost their body’s ability to naturally promote healing. Our protocols for harvesting and processing stem cells are totally compliant with all FDA regulations.

If you or someone you know has considered stem cell therapy, please do your homework. Stem Cell Arts has the expertise and clinical research and data to demonstrate that our therapies are safe, effective and legitimate. Don’t take any chances.

Contact us today.