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Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat Knee Arthritis

Stem Cell Therapy Can Treat Knee Arthritis

Medical history is full of treatment advances that were initially met with skepticism and fear. The idea of eradicating diseases such as polio and small pox by actually injecting people with weakened versions of those viruses required an enormous amount of public education and successful clinical research to demonstrate the vaccines’ efficacy. Yet we now know that outbreaks of deadly diseases such as cholera, measles, polio and small pox have been virtually eradicated thanks to these vaccines.

Today, similar fear and misunderstanding surrounds the use of stem cells to help the body heal injured tissues. Stem cells naturally self-renew, allowing for faster healing and recovering of damaged or worn bone or tissue due to injury or disease. By introducing new stem cells where there might be a lacking, the body can begin to heal itself without the use of invasive surgery.

Many people still believe that stem cells can only be harvested from embryonic stem cells, however, there are several other ways to obtain adult stem cells that do not raise ethical or moral concerns. These include:

  • Bone marrow has stem cells that help the body create new blood channels that can bring nutrients and healing to injured tissue.
  • Body fat contains adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) that consist mostly of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that contain high levels of restorative properties.
  • Post-delivery amniotic fluid, umbilical cord tissue and placental blood and tissue that is collected after a baby is born are also good sources of restorative MSCs.

Given their regenerative properties, stem cells have proven to be an effective treatment for numerous orthopedic conditions, including one that affects an estimated 14 million Americans, including 2 million people under the age of 45: knee osteoarthritis.

Stem Cell Arts uses Regenexx,® the nation’s leading stem cell and platelet procedures, to treat the chronic pain and inflammation that accompanies knee arthritis. Regenexx® provides the highest concentration of healing stem cells to help patients overcome the discomfort and immobility that accompanies arthritis in their knee—without the extensive recovery and rehabilitation required after invasive surgery.

If you’d like to learn more about how Stem Cell Arts can use the latest advances in safe, responsible regenerative medicine to help you overcome knee, back or other orthopedic pain, contact us today. We are happy to explain how advances in this exciting field of medicine can help you live without pain.

Choose The Best Stem Cell Therapy Provider

Choose The Best Stem Cell Therapy Provider

You may have seen the recent headlines about federal officials shutting down clinics in California and Florida that were offering unproven stem cell therapies that had not undergone standard, regulated clinical trials.

We applaud these efforts because we do not want rogue clinics to discourage patients in pain from seeking out the care offered by legitimate stem cell practices like Stem Cell Arts.

Stem Cell Arts is one of the nation’s leading stem cell-based musculoskeletal practices, with extensive stem cell orthopedics experience. Our physicians are highly trained and licensed to perform the Regenexx® family of stem cell and platelet rich plasma procedures. Regenexx® is a recognized leader in cell-based medicine and has published more data on stem cell safety in peer-reviewed medical research for orthopedic applications than any other group worldwide.

As experts in stem cell and platelet rich plasma therapies, Stem Cell Arts’ physicians regularly contribute to research presentations, publications and other academic work designed to promote greater understanding and advancements in this highly specialized area of orthopedic medicine.

That is why when you or someone you know wants to learn more about stem cell therapy to address conditions such as arthritis, herniated back discs, tendon tears or joint injuries, we encourage you to do your homework. Although the number of clinics offering stem cell medicine has grown rapidly in the last few years, as the recent headlines tell us, many of these facilities do not provide the same level of expertise and peer-reviewed data offered by established, respected providers like Stem Cell Arts.

If you are considering elective surgery or joint replacement due to injury or arthritis, you should know that Regenexx® stem cell and platelet rich plasma therapies can provide effective pain-relief and healing without the lengthy recovery and rehabilitation that often accompanies traditional surgery.

At Stem Cell Arts, we are committed to providing the highest level of care, honesty, and compassion. We review all our candidates carefully to ensure that they meet the physical requirements for stem cell and platelet-rich-plasma therapy. We will not waste your time or your money if we do not believe we can help you.

As an affiliate of National Spine & Pain Centers, Stem Cell Arts’ physicians are board certified in the specialties of sports medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation. We are proud to offer the most trusted and effective orthopedic stem cell procedures currently available. We welcome the chance to meet with you and to add you to our list of satisfied patients. Contact us today.

StemCell ARTS Now Offers A2M

StemCell ARTS Now Offers A2M

StemCell ARTS is part of a research consortium that includes clinics from around the globe. At the center, the Regenexx research lab. This location is the site of the research that provides the cutting edge procedures offered at the Regenexx affiliate locations. StemCell ARTS is proud to introduce another procedure being offered to help treat patients with musculoskeletal injuries or degenerative conditions.

Alpha-2-macroglobulin, referred to as A2M, is now available as a treatment option in both our Tysons Corner, VA and Chevy Chase, MD offices. A2M has been shown to provide benefit in those suffering from arthritic joints. Studies have indicated that A2M can reduce cartilage breakdown and inhibits a collagen breakdown protein involved in the progression of arthritis. This new and exciting treatment can be used in patients suffering from swelling of the joints and active patients looking to keep their joints healthy.

Could A2M help you? Read more about A2M from Regenexx’s own Dr. Centeno.

Experts in Regenerative Treatments

Experts in Regenerative Treatments

Regenexx just posted a new article that does a great job of explaining why the Regenexx Network of doctors are truly experts in their field of orthopedic regenerative treatments. We have more experience and are guided by more research than any other group of doctors who are involved in this rapidly growing field. We are all musculoskeletal specialists with advanced training in image guided injections.

Yet doctors with all sorts of backgrounds, who have only taken a weekend course or two in regenerative medicine, are claiming to be renowned experts in this field. If you’re considering treatment for an orthopedic condition, please take the time to read this important article.

Read the Article Here

StemCell ARTS Wins Big!!

StemCell ARTS Wins Big!!

Last month, the StemCell ARTS team attended the annual Interventional Orthopedics Foundation and Regenexx conference. The IOF annual conference focused on The Orthobiologic Singularity—a paradigm shift that will take orthopedic medicine from invasive to regenerative. The annual Regenexx conference brought together Regenexx Affiliates from around the globe, including Affiliate teams located in India, Taiwan, and Australia. This “meeting of the minds” provided a forum for the Regenexx Affiliates to learn more about what is to come with the Regenexx procedures. It also provided Regenexx Affiliates the opportunity to discuss and review best practices in each individual clinic.

The two day conference concluded with Regenexx handing out awards to the Affiliate teams. While a number of awards were given out to various clinics, StemCell ARTS took home, not only the most awards, but some of the most prestigious. StemCell ARTS won in the following categories:

  1. Most Thorough and Responsive Regenexx Patient Liaison
  2. Most Procedures Performed by a Group
  3. Most Procedures Performed by a Clinic (the big one!!)