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Osgood Schlatter’s Disease (OSD) is very common in young adolescents, affecting millions of young people a year, and represents damage to the tendon to cartilage connection on the bony prominence just below the knee cap. If it does not respond quickly to sports limitation, it often leads to substantial alteration of sports ability/participation for a year or more, affecting career development, athlete confidence and self-esteem development and peer relationships for the young athlete. It also causes chronic pain and sports limitations even in adulthood in a substantial number of athletes as well as an obvious deformity. The OSD study that Dr. Reeves designed and published in conjunction with primary author Gaston Topol in Argentina was directed toward investigating the potential to cure OSD early, to decrease the above consequences.

View the study here: http://www.aaomed.org/Osgood-Schlatter-Disease