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Healing Back, Hip and Groin Pain from Pelvic Instability

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Many women live with the chronic, often crippling pain of pelvic instability, a condition believed to be widespread but not easily diagnosed. This prevalent source of pain in the lower back, hips and groin is difficult to detect because traditional examination and imaging tests do not reveal impairment. As a result, these women are frequently misdiagnosed and untreated. But now, advanced regenerative injection therapies have proven to be effective. They can promote lasting pain relief by healing the injured tissues that lead to instability and pain. The key is to find a pain specialist experienced in both diagnosing and treating this condition.

Common causes
Women are more susceptible to this condition than men, because their pelvic structures are built wider and more flexible for childbirth. The pelvic bones bear the weight of the upper body and distribute it to the hips and legs. This basin-shaped structure consists of the hip, sacrum and pubic bones all held together by ligaments. When the ligaments are injured or overstretched, the pelvis loses its stability and begins to move excessively with physical activities, causing hip, back and groin pain. Even simple movements can become painful, making it difficult to sit, walk, stand, pick up a toddler, drive a car, or merely roll over in bed.

Trauma, a fall on the buttocks or lifting a heavy object, can weaken pelvic ligaments. However, the most common cause is childbirth. Many women first experience pelvic pain after delivering a baby. Symptoms may become apparent soon after birth, or gradually appear years later as ligaments are further impaired by normal physical activities.

Difficult to distinguish
Left untreated, pelvic instability can gradually worsen, leading to severe pain and limitations in activity tolerance. Unfortunately, this condition often goes undiagnosed for several reasons. The symptoms mimic other conditions. The true source of pain is not easily recognized. Today’s imaging technology is unable to detect the abnormal motion of the pelvis or ligament laxity. MRI and CAT scan studies only show torn ligaments, not weak ligaments. Attaining an accurate diagnosis requires a specialized musculoskeletal exam that is performed by a physician experienced in treating the condition.

Often untreated, yet highly treatable
Although difficult to diagnose, this condition can be effectively treated and potentially cured with innovative, non-surgical techniques such as prolotherapy and the revolutionary new platelet rich plasma therapy. These regenerative injection therapies provide pain relief by restoring pelvic stability. Working in tandem with the body’s natural healing process, they strengthen pelvic ligaments by stimulating new growth. Performed without general anesthesia, hospitalization or long recovery, this safe, no pharmaceutical approach can help women regain their active lifestyles – jogging, skiing, even horseback riding – and get back to living again.